This is the first of a weekly blog post that I will be doing just to document what I am shooting and other things. Well it has been a slow start to 2025 as to be expected after a busy Xmas period and too much food and chocolate...with the first shoot of the year being some headshots and lifestyle images for Spicer Haart in Essex followed by a product shoot in London for a small fashion outlet and a quick job for the Motor Insurance Bureau in the first week of January. This week sees another shoot for Spicer Haart in Canterbury this time, then the London Photography Show, a Gallery exhibition opening party shoot in London and another product shoot this time for a fitness company also in London where I seem to be spending more and more of my time lately. In between it's been a busy time with the Local Camera Club with our AGM and monthly meeting with a small presentation given by myself on life behind the iron curtain and our up coming committee meeting to prepare for, Aside from that there is the planning of a quick trip to Paris at the end of the month where I am shooting another gallery opening night party which should be fun, with a couple of nights in the wonderful city of Paris I will also be looking forward to doing some street photography and getting some architecture shots in as well.